Welcome To Tunas Bangsa PYP Drive Thru

Welcome to PYP Drive Thru. This blog is one of the manifestations of our school commitment to give service of up to date information about the development of teaching and learning processes taking place from Toddler to Grade 6 level, which can be accessed easily by students and parents.

It doesn't only provide info about the development of teaching and learning processes in classrooms which can be gained, but also list of websites supporting students inquiry. Thereby, parents can guide their children to do the inquiry on Internet out of school.

The information in this blog is also for other people who are interested in knowing and understanding the teaching and learning process from Playgroup to Grade 6 in Tunas Bangsa Primary Level. By knowing and understanding the process, it is expected that understanding as a whole about the Primary Years Programme (Program Tingkat Dasar), well known as PYP, adopted by Sekolah Tunas Bangsa can be constructed.

Besides the information above, this blog also provides information about teachers and students profiles, academic calendar, time-table class, curriculum information and others.

Suggestions and constructive critiques on the betterment of the format and the content are expected.

Enjoy surfing. We hope the information is beneficial for you.

Minggu, 09 September 2012

On Mondays, all primary students and teachers gather together in the school yard to participate in Flag Hoisting Ceremony for some purposes, and one of them is the purpose of developing transdisciplinary skills and attitudes. Self-management skills can be promoted through this routine. Every participant must have been in the place before the ceremony starts. Therefore, everyone must be aware of their time in order not to be late. Besides time management, every student as the participant must be aware of the completeness of their uniform too such as cap, tie, belt, and socks. They also must draw themselves up and not chat with another participant during the ceremony. By doing these, they are developing organization and codes of behavior skills as part of self-management skills.
While listening to a speaker speaking on the stage, communication skills are other skills can be promoted through this routine such listening skill to others and information besides viewing skill to convey ideas, values and beliefs, and making informed choices about personal experiences.  The development of communication skills are not only aimed to the students but also to their teachers as exact role models in this school. The teachers are also developing their speaking skill to speak clearly, to deliver message orally to large group of students, to express idea clearly and logically and state opinions.
While speaking to a large group of students, a teacher as the speaker and also a learner (in turn every teacher gets their opportunity as a Monday speaker) is developing his/her confidence by having the courage to take risks to be in a new zone which may not be their comfort zone. By showing self-discipline and responsibility, respecting themselves and others as participants, being sensitive about differences and diversity in the world (some participants are not Indonesians), the participants are developing their commitment, respect, and tolerance as parts of the attitudes they are developing in this school.  As every teacher and student participates in this activity, they are also developing their integrity that is being honest and demonstrating a considered sense of fairness.
 This ceremony also functions as media of social skill development especially the sub skill of adopting a variety of group roles when a teacher becomes the speaker, a student becomes the leader, and the rest become the participants.


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