Welcome To Tunas Bangsa PYP Drive Thru

Welcome to PYP Drive Thru. This blog is one of the manifestations of our school commitment to give service of up to date information about the development of teaching and learning processes taking place from Toddler to Grade 6 level, which can be accessed easily by students and parents.

It doesn't only provide info about the development of teaching and learning processes in classrooms which can be gained, but also list of websites supporting students inquiry. Thereby, parents can guide their children to do the inquiry on Internet out of school.

The information in this blog is also for other people who are interested in knowing and understanding the teaching and learning process from Playgroup to Grade 6 in Tunas Bangsa Primary Level. By knowing and understanding the process, it is expected that understanding as a whole about the Primary Years Programme (Program Tingkat Dasar), well known as PYP, adopted by Sekolah Tunas Bangsa can be constructed.

Besides the information above, this blog also provides information about teachers and students profiles, academic calendar, time-table class, curriculum information and others.

Suggestions and constructive critiques on the betterment of the format and the content are expected.

Enjoy surfing. We hope the information is beneficial for you.

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Primary Curriculum Information Session

To provide parents of primary students, especially the new ones with information about this school, SD Tunas Bangsa opened a Curriculum Information Session (CIS) on Saturday, 21 July 2012. It was attended by parents of primary students and teachers.
The information delivered in the session was about the school teachers and leaders, rules, essential agreements with students, teaching and learning methodology, UN, ECE and Primary blog, new committee members of Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) 2012-2013, and the curriculum itself.
Parents were also given an opportunity to visit their child’s classroom and to have a conversation with the classroom teachers about what their child will learn and be expected to achieve under the first Transdisciplinary Theme.
To end the session, all the attendees led by the ECE-Primary Principal, Mdm. Lili Pulungan prayed together in order that God bless all they do for their children.


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